What is it with your eyes?
It’s as if you haunt me
An unintentional possession through my dream
Simply a smile,
One we both know
An embrace, we've shared
Then turned away
Here I am, years later
Thinking of you, and yet
Admit, I have, because my heart told me
There was no need to not speak my mind
And yet you've known for years
Keeping your opinion to yourself
Putting a mask in front of others
Then seeing me and showing with no doubt
To me, I am symbol
One that you and others know
A heart spoken conversation
Always awaits me
In your own words you lie to yourself
Saying that it doesn’t matter
Knowing that it does
But hearing yourself say so for so long
Makes you think that ‘you know’.
If anything is clear
It’s that you know how I feel
Deep down no matter what we do
What connection we have, is real
A broad street to one another
It’s as if we both turn away
For years I turned down the path and now
I’m not here to say
Years from now we’ll face each other
And we’ll both know of our hidden motives
When the time comes, who will break down
Will I?
Or will you, first?
You ignore it, knowing that I will always be there
And I try to move past it, thinking one day I will
That doesn’t mean that our connection isn’t there
We feel ‘together’ and it hurts
Every mask you put on, you wonder
How do I do what I do
The honesty, the easiness
It confuses you
How can I be so honest with myself? With others?
And here, you look twice in the mirror on some days
Not that you’ll hear me, but at least you’ll know
The answer lies within myself
And a bad memory.
What’s the point in making up a story for me to live by
When I can write it without erasing?
Since it’s not a lie, I don’t have to remember
Because it is all I know
Want to know what else I know?
We will cross paths again
And this time, you’ll be the one stopping me
Wanting me to speak to you but speaking first
And I’ll listen, like I always do
Hopefully, that’ll be the day
That you’re honest with yourself
When you stop ignoring what’s there
You’ll apologize and I’ll stare.
My heart will flip
And then rage
I’ll turn to you
And tell you,
That I’ve always known there was something
And I know that you know too
What I rather have happened
Would have been
An early resolution
But I know that time is not an enemy
Even if it may seem so
The day will come and it’ll be more revolutionary for you
And I’ll be able live without thinking twice about you.
Written on March 28th, 2018
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