Saturday, April 21, 2018

B: Regaining Strength: Lost

When I think of you I can't help but feel that I'm not much
Though you love me, show me, adore me
My heart still aches thinking such

For in my eyes there's imperfection
Not that I want to be perfect
What I strive for ensures that I am strong
And yet my heart continues to ache

These tears I cry are because I know that the pain is real
I know that you'd tell me that you don't feel this way
Even then, it doesn't matter because this is the way I feel

How I feel is lower than less
To me, the world is better off without
This life of mine, no doubt.

Despite the love I know is there
Above all else, I come home to eyes that widen and think
"You're home!"

No matter what I do, my heart will return here
To the place containing all all my agony
A place that makes the last breath seem so pleasing

Aware, I am of love surrounding me
Through others, they feel the love I have for them
These don't stop me from lacking love for myself.

Depend, something I do on everyone else
They prove to me that I'm worth the next breath
Silent, are my tears
Another day has passed

At least,
I think that's what I'm supposed to hope. 

Friday, April 20, 2018

B: Opposing Umbrage: A Made Decision

An unborn conscious
Rest at peace
Not dead but alive is this piece
With moves strong
Does a developed interest seek
One drink? Only once? For me?
Has no one seen what affects their minds?
With their decisions, so divine?
"A Mother" - Charles Lee Taylor
Written February 3rd/4th 2015 

20 - 100

Thursday, April 19, 2018

B: Opposing Umbrage: No Power To The Nameless

Better tell the truth
Lies will expose
The worth of one's strange habits
Beholder speak! Say thy name
Or shall no 'good' last in vain?
Nor can purity flow through thy veins
'Truth teller' of seekers
Withhold no name
Original - Based on "A superior man" by Charles Lee Taylor 

Written February 5th, 2015

19 - 100

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

B: Regaining Strength: A Craving and Resistance

Stronger I become
The harder it is
To resist the urge to fall

No blood has splattered
Upon these wrist
Years it has been
And hasn’t been done

My heart pounds
It aches, yearning for me to make my mistake
Away, I turn from every blade
A sense of insecurity in the touch

Turning away, my back to face
Anything that may seem sharp
Despite the cleansing
The memory isn’t lost.

For now I stand above
What I used to be
Easier to let the feelings go numb
Yet here I stand, feeling weak

A poison I’ll never fully
Be cured of because
If I forget who I was
Then how will I know who I become?

Walk away
I hear myself say
A hand touches my side

I turn, the beholder is someone I love
A friend, a lover,
To my surprise a stranger

Anyone can smile and stop me from returning
To the path that I once thought
Was the only one.
Written 3.28.19

18 - 100

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

B: Regaining Strength: Awaiting Resolution

What is it with your eyes?
It’s as if you haunt me
An unintentional possession through my dream

Simply a smile,
One we both know
An embrace, we've shared
Then turned away

Here I am, years later
Thinking of you, and yet
Admit, I have, because my heart told me
There was no need to not speak my mind

And yet you've known for years
Keeping your opinion to yourself
Putting a mask in front of others
Then seeing me and showing with no doubt

To me, I am symbol
One that you and others know
A heart spoken conversation
Always awaits me

In your own words you lie to yourself
Saying that it doesn’t matter
Knowing that it does
But hearing yourself say so for so long
Makes you think that ‘you know’.

If anything is clear
It’s that you know how I feel
Deep down no matter what we do
What connection we have, is real

A broad street to one another
It’s as if we both turn away
For years I turned down the path and now
I’m not here to say

Years from now we’ll face each other
And we’ll both know of our hidden motives
When the time comes, who will break down
Will I?
Or will you, first?

You ignore it, knowing that I will always be there
And I try to move past it, thinking one day I will
That doesn’t mean that our connection isn’t there
We feel ‘together’ and it hurts

Every mask you put on, you wonder
How do I do what I do
The honesty, the easiness
It confuses you

How can I be so honest with myself? With others?
And here, you look twice in the mirror on some days
Not that you’ll hear me, but at least you’ll know

The answer lies within myself
And a bad memory.
What’s the point in making up a story for me to live by
When I can write it without erasing?

Since it’s not a lie, I don’t have to remember
Because it is all I know

Want to know what else I know?
We will cross paths again
And this time, you’ll be the one stopping me
Wanting me to speak to you but speaking first

And I’ll listen, like I always do
Hopefully, that’ll be the day
That you’re honest with yourself
When you stop ignoring what’s there
You’ll apologize and I’ll stare.

My heart will flip
And then rage

I’ll turn to you
And tell you,
That I’ve always known there was something
And I know that you know too

What I rather have happened
Would have been
An early resolution

But I know that time is not an enemy
Even if it may seem so
The day will come and it’ll be more revolutionary for you
And I’ll be able live without thinking twice about you. 
Written on March 28th, 2018


Monday, April 16, 2018

B: Opposing Umbrage: Silent Gift

Weary may I not be 
To fall in the hands of work 
Worried, my friends shall see
A payable price, may the hours reap 
Healthy, not the exact word 
But a heart of caring I will learn 
Provided by the birth given 
By my mother, not taken 
A strength in silence, 
A strength in worlds 
Innocence is bliss 
Unless the voices are heard 
Quiet may one be 
But silence is strength 
A power of thee 
Unknown to existence 
Solid as a whole 
A gift given through perception 
This gift given through the soul 
Original Based on "A Dog's Life" - Charles Lee Taylor 

Written on February 5th, 2015

16 - 100

Sunday, April 15, 2018

S: Sing, Dear

I don’t even
This time
What are we to do
There’s lighting in the sky
Yet we’re here
Right now
Because we know how
To make fun
Out of boring
Are you boring?
I hope not
Sing to me
I know the rain is falling
Sing to me,
I don’t care what genre
Give me something, anything
Listen here to Madonna
Three Days Grace, or Linkin Park
Play a tune
I’d love to hear your amazing voice
Sing to me here
Under the cloudy sky
I’ve heard of ACDC, Kid Cudi, Lil Wayne
Anything at this moment
I’d be okay
Because right now all I hear is thunder in the clouds
Sing to me
I know that the rain is falling. Although,
If you sing to me we could possibly fall in love
There’s the band called Westlife
I know it cause I’ve heard.
Epica and Nirvana, Boys Like Girls are bands too so I’ve heard.
Sing to me about the blues skies
Sing to me about anything
All I want is to hear you amazing voice
Sing to me
My dear. 
Written 12.23.2014 

15 -100

Saturday, April 14, 2018

S: Dancing Stage

The thought never crossed my mind
That darkness was so close in time
With the distance, seemingly far
No pressure, left the door ajar

Now here is rage
Slowly taking
Away, the calm tide

Not that there wasn’t any difficulty
However, there were the blind
Oblivious to the world

It seem so peaceful before
And now presenting
Darkness at the center floor

Blindly taking any opportunity, to get away
Guidance, where have you been?
The path keep splitting and time seems to fade

What day is it?
Another month passing through the days
In the night, no true darkness shows its might
Only in pure daylight

With fear and anxiety to take at hand
Hold your breath, the feeling is similar to the ocean waves
Don’t take it all in, spread out the thoughts that cloud your mind
Otherwise, the darkness will devour what little clarity stands left in your bright light
Written 1.20.2016

14 - 100 

Friday, April 13, 2018

S: Restless

 There’s tension in my soul
 I feel it losing control
 And all I can do is ignore

 My heart it’s beating
 Not fast, not slow
 But I feel it tugging, keeping a hold
 Of what’s left
 Of this soul

 Questions arise
 For the depth of unknown

 And I don’t know what I’m supposed to do
 I close my eyes, thinking that I’ll grasp it for you
 Not only, are you in my life
 But now I’m slowly starting to realize that I

 Don’t want to lose you

 The old way that I was, picture it
 What I had been, better for it to fit
 My old habits, but this one is part of my personality

 Why can’t I loosen this tentious part of me?
 Listening to my own heart beat
 Hearing the music in the background
 My thoughts aren’t clear
 I need clarity

 When I close my eyes, I imagine
 Being connected, and now?
 I don’t feel a thing but I know it’s there
 And it makes me sad to think

 Future. Please define thee
 Surprise me sure, don’t kill me
 Everyone knows the ending
 And the beginning is simple

 But innocence
 Has gone to waste
 After all this time
 And in between are questions we seeks answers to

 Until then, the five w’s
 Swirl among my head
 I laid down today
 Needless to say- I didn’t like what my mind had to say

 Are you losing yourself?
 How long till then?
 Remember when?
 Are those tears I feel?

 How often?
 Who cares?
 What will you do?
 Where are you going?
 When will you do what you want to do, when will go where you want to go.
 Why anything?!

 I don’t know.
 It’s the murky waters of my soul
 I feel it slipping, away

 Rest in the peace of yesterday. 
Written 12.4.15 

13 - 100

Thursday, April 12, 2018

S: Your Worth

There will be days that I won’t have your touch
No matter, your love is deep within
Distance will grow only physically between us
Because there is nothing that will stop me from loving you

Don’t ever believe that I’ve forgotten
About the love that you’ve given to me
Somehow, we fell in love
It was a chance and one that was worth taking

As a choice we continue to love one another
Little act by little action we show each other
That our love is true, known by more than our eyes

Live without me, because I’ll always be there
Support is something I will not give up
Due to the love that holds us together, we will never break apart
Despite a lack of an official relationship

With or without terms, these matter none
For we live knowing of our love
Until we see each other again
Never allow anyone to get you to believe

In a falsification about me
Love, isn’t the only aspect that has kept us together
Trust, Admiration- So much more

So remember who will always love you outside of family
Deep down, if anyone tries to make you believe that you’re less
You’re not, because you’re worth more than two years to me  
Feb 1st 2018

12 - 100